Wrestling with a Problem so Unique That Only a Custom Solution Will Fit? We Got IT.

Case Study at a Glance


A leading provider of environmental, energy, and industrial services throughout North America


Our client’s customers were irritated. A complicated online system for scheduling pick-ups of used paints, chemicals, and hazardous and non-hazardous materials led to incorrect container deliveries and pick-up dates. Customers were wasting time, money and effort.


Vertex built an online portal that allowed customers to create their own profiles. The site’s dynamic features now prompt users to answer scheduling questions based on the waste-type category, ensuring that the proper shipping containers that meet EPA compliance are delivered on time. Users can view their order history and print labels as needed.


The new system allows customers to easily schedule accurate pickups of waste materials for transport to other facilities for recycling or disposal. The application ensures that proper containers are delivered. Phone support has been significantly reduced and all parties’ efficiencies have improved.

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Our Client Needed a Custom Online Portal for Environmental Waste Disposal Scheduling

Custom Tech Solutions

Problem and Background

When an environmental services client approached us to improve its customers’ ability to schedule disposal and transportation of leftover paint and chemicals, we knew we had our work cut out for us. Nothing like this existed – and the variables on each waste material required special container and transportation stipulations. The problem was complicated, which was why placing orders was such a headache. Our customer needed to remove the barriers that made it difficult for its customers to be environmentally responsible and in compliance with EPA regulations.

Vertex needed to approach the problem with a fresh perspective and develop a custom solution.

Our client’s customers (Fortune 500 companies and government agencies) were spending a lot of time, effort, and money to do the right thing – dispose of paint and chemicals in a responsible, ecologically sound manner. Problem was, they were being punished for their efforts to be compliant with the law. Often, they’d create a pick-up order, only to realize too late that they’d requested incorrect containers for transportation. Obviously, customers weren’t happy being charged extra money to transport incorrect container orders.

How did this happen? Our client’s existing online portal confused customers. In fact, their customers frequently requested wrong containers and pick-up times because the interface was complicated. This problem led to excessive phone support and return trips to their locations with the correct containers once the mistake had been caught. Additionally, paints, oils and other hazardous and non-hazardous chemicals that needed to be removed, were occupying valuable warehouse space. There was a need for a simplified system that streamlined the order process and improved accuracy.


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6090 Royalton Road #343, North Royalton, Ohio 44133



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