Cloud Integration: Unlocking Business Agility in 2024

The new currency of competitive advantage is adaptability, as organizations continue to negotiate the quickly shifting world of 2024. The ability to quickly adapt to market changes, technological advancements, and evolving customer expectations is crucial for survival and growth. In this context, cloud integration emerges as an important strategy for businesses seeking to enhance their agility.

The article explores the technical aspects of cloud integration, showcasing its function in promoting company agility and its compatibility with the offerings of a prominent authority in the subject.

What is the unique aspect of cloud integration?

At the core, cloud integration refers to the sophisticated coordination of tools, technologies, and methodologies. This coordination offers the seamless connection and interaction between various applications, systems, data, and processes spanning both cloud-based and on-premises environments. Such integration facilitates a fluid exchange of data and a harmonious operational flow, propelling businesses towards unprecedented efficiency and responsiveness.

The role of cloud integration in enhancing business agility

1. Rapid Deployment and Scalability: Cloud services can be quickly deployed and scaled to meet changing business needs. This flexibility allows businesses to respond to market demands, manage workloads efficiently, and support growth without the constraints of physical infrastructure.

2. Improved Collaboration and Accessibility: Cloud integration allows for the seamless sharing of data and applications among employees, partners, and customers, irrespective of their location. This accessibility enhances collaboration, decision-making, and customer service, contributing to a more agile and responsive organization.

3. Cost Efficiency: By leveraging cloud services, businesses can reduce the costs associated with purchasing, maintaining, and upgrading physical hardware and software. The pay-asyou-go model of cloud services also enables organizations to pay only for what they use, optimizing resource allocation and reducing wastage.

4. Enhanced Data Analysis and Decision Making: Integrated cloud environments provide businesses with access to advanced analytics and business intelligence tools. These tools can analyze large volumes of data from various sources in real-time, providing actionable insights that inform strategic decisions and foster innovation.

5. Increased Security and Compliance: Cloud providers invest heavily in security measures and compliance protocols to protect data and applications. Through cloud integration, businesses can benefit from these robust security frameworks, ensuring data integrity and compliance with regulatory standards, thereby reducing risk.

Aligning Cloud Integration with Business Services

When aligning cloud integration strategies with business services, it’s essential to focus on customized solutions that cater to specific industry needs and challenges. Services such as application development, data analytics, IT infrastructure management, and cybersecurity should be designed to leverage the benefits of cloud integration, enhancing the overall value delivered to clients.

How our services enhance cloud integration

Our services are strategically designed to maximize the benefits of cloud integration for businesses. We offer:

Custom Cloud Solutions: Tailored cloud solutions that align with your business objectives, ensuring that your cloud integration efforts support your overall strategy and deliver tangible results.

Advanced Analytics and AI: Leverage the power of cloud-based analytics and AI to unlock insights from your data, driving innovation and informed decision-making.

Comprehensive IT Infrastructure Management: Our managed services ensure that your IT infrastructure is always optimized, secure, and aligned with your business needs, freeing you to focus on core business activities.

Robust Cybersecurity Measures: Benefit from state-of-the-art cybersecurity protocols that protect your data and applications in the cloud, mitigating risks and ensuring compliance.


Cloud integration enables organizations to adapt quickly to changes, innovate, and remain competitive. By leveraging cloud integration, businesses can realize improved efficiency, cost savings, enhanced collaboration, and better decision-making, all of which are critical components of business agility.

Our team at Vertex is here to guide you through every step of this transformative journey. With our deep expertise and comprehensive suite of services, we’re equipped to tailor a cloud integration strategy that aligns with your unique business objectives and challenges.

Contact us today to discover how we can help your business thrive in the world of 2024 and beyond.

Leveraging Agile Methodologies for Streamlining IT Staffing Operations

Whether you’re a business owner or IT manager aiming to enhance the speed, accuracy, and flexibility of your IT staffing operations, you’ve likely encountered the term ‘agile methodologies.’ Understanding this concept and its potential benefits for your organization is crucial. In this article, we’ll explore how you can harness the full advantages of agile methodologies to streamline your business operations.

Understanding Agile Methodologies

Agile methodology represents a project management approach that places a strong emphasis on continuous improvement and collaboration. It operates by breaking down projects into smaller, manageable phases referred to as sprints, guiding teams through iterative cycles of planning, execution, and evaluation.

What sets Agile apart is its inherent adaptability and responsiveness to changing requirements and priorities. By facilitating swift and efficient delivery of working software, Agile enables teams to navigate the dynamic landscape of project development with agility and precision.

Benefits of using agile methodologies for IT staffing operations

  • Improved Speed and Accuracy in Staffing Decisions:
    Breaking down projects into smaller tasks enhances identification of required skills, improving staffing decision speed and accuracy. Ensuring the right people for each job leads to better project outcomes.
  • Enhanced Flexibility in IT Staffing Operations:
    Agile methodologies increase operational flexibility by delivering projects iteratively. This allows prompt responses to changes in the business environment, ensuring projects stay on track and meet deadlines.
  • Increased Communication and Collaboration:
    Agile methodologies foster improved communication and collaboration between IT staff and business stakeholders. Small teams working closely together build trust, enhancing relationships and leading to improved project outcomes.
  • Agile Risk Mitigation:
    Agile methodologies excel in risk management through early detection and swift adaptation. By promptly addressing issues as they arise, these practices minimize project risks, promoting a smoother and more resilient operational environment for IT staffing.
  • Elevated Morale and Productivity:
    Fostering a culture of collaboration and transparency significantly enhances employee satisfaction within an IT staffing team. These practices create a motivated and efficient workforce, cultivating an environment where individuals feel valued, supported, and engaged, ultimately contributing to elevated levels of morale and productivity.

How to implement agile methodologies for IT staffing operations

Implementing Agile Methodologies for IT Staffing Operations involves several key steps:

  1. Training and Education:
    Ensure that the IT staff is trained in Agile principles and methodologies. Familiarize them with Agile concepts, roles, and ceremonies.
  2. Create Cross-Functional Teams:
    Form small, cross-functional teams with diverse skills. This promotes collaboration and flexibility in addressing tasks.
  3. Define Clear Objectives:
    Clearly define project objectives, breaking them into smaller, manageable tasks. This enhances clarity and facilitates iterative development.
  4. Prioritize and Plan Iteratively:
    Prioritize tasks based on business value. Plan and execute in short iterations, known as sprints, to adapt to changing requirements.
  5. Implement Continuous Feedback:
    Regularly gather feedback from stakeholders and team members. This enables continuous improvement and ensures alignment with project goals.
  6. Encourage Collaboration:
    Foster a collaborative environment where team members, stakeholders, and business representatives work closely throughout the project.
  7. Adopt Agile Tools:
    Utilize tools that support Agile methodologies, such as Scrum boards, Kanban boards, and collaboration platforms. These aid in project visibility and communication.
  8. Embrace Change:
    Emphasize adaptability to change. Agile thrives on responding to evolving requirements, so encourage a mindset that welcomes adjustments.
  9. Conduct Retrospectives:
    Regularly conduct retrospectives at the end of each iteration to reflect on what went well and what could be improved. Use these insights for continuous enhancement.
  10. Provide Leadership Support:
    Ensure leadership understands and supports Agile methodologies. This is crucial for the successful adoption and sustainability of Agile practices.
  11. Monitor and Adjust:
    Regularly monitor the team’s progress and be willing to make adjustments as needed. Agile is about continuous learning and adaptation.
    By following these steps, you can effectively implement Agile Methodologies for IT Staffing Operations, promoting flexibility, collaboration, and iterative improvements in project delivery.


If you are looking for ways to improve the speed, accuracy, and flexibility of your IT staffing operations, consider leveraging agile methodologies. Agile methodologies can help you to improve the way you work and deliver better results for your business.

At Vertex, we understand the importance of adopting agile methodologies, and we are committed to helping you navigate this transformative journey. Our team of experts can assist you in implementing agile practices, tailoring them to your specific needs, and providing ongoing support.

By incorporating agile methodologies into your IT staffing operations, you can not only meet the demands of a dynamic environment but also elevate your project outcomes and build a more collaborative and adaptive work culture.

Take the next step towards optimizing your IT staffing operations by exploring the benefits of agile methodologies with Vertex. We are dedicated to empowering your business to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of IT staffing.

How to develop a Digital Transformation strategy that works for your business

The term “Digital Transformation” has gained popularity in the business world, for a good reason. It’s a process that involves integrating digital technology into all areas of a business to improve its operations and enhance customer experience. However, developing a digital transformation strategy that works for your business can be daunting. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to develop a digital transformation strategy that can help your business stay competitive and thrive in the digital age.


Identify Your Business Objectives

To develop a digital transformation strategy that works for your business, you must first identify your business objectives. Ask yourself, what do you hope to achieve by implementing digital technology? Is it to streamline your operations and reduce costs, improve customer experience and retention, or increase revenue? Once you have a clear understanding of your objectives, you can determine which technology solutions align with those objectives.

It’s important to keep in mind that digital transformation is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Every business has unique objectives, challenges, and opportunities. Therefore, your digital transformation strategy should be tailored to your business’s specific needs and goals.

Assess Your Current Technology and Infrastructure

Evaluate your existing systems with a critical eye to pinpoint aspects that require enhancement. This assessment involves analyzing your current systems, processes, and infrastructure to determine which areas are outdated or inefficient. You should consider factors such as data security, integration capabilities, and scalability when assessing your current technology.

The assessment should also include identifying the gaps in your technology and infrastructure that need to be filled. For example, if you’re a retailer with an outdated point-of-sale system, you might consider adopting a modern, cloud-based system to streamline your sales process and improve inventory management.

Understand Your Customers

Customer experience is at the center of digital transformation. To develop a successful digital transformation strategy, you need to understand your customers’ needs, preferences, and behaviour. This understanding can be achieved by analyzing customer data, conducting surveys, or engaging with customers directly.

Analyzing customer data can help you identify patterns and trends in customer behaviour, such as which products or services are most popular and what channels they prefer to use for communication. This information can inform your digital transformation strategy by helping you create a more personalized and seamless customer experience.

Conducting surveys or engaging with customers directly can also provide valuable insights into their needs and preferences. For example, if you’re a hotel chain, you might conduct a survey to determine what amenities guests value most and how you can improve their overall experience. This information can inform your digital transformation strategy by helping you identify the technology solutions that will enhance the guest experience.

Prioritize Your Digital Transformation Initiatives

After identifying your business objectives, assessing your current technology and infrastructure, and understanding your customers’ needs and preferences, you should prioritize your digital transformation initiatives. This involves determining which initiatives will have the most significant impact on achieving your business objectives and addressing the gaps identified in the assessment.

Prioritization can be challenging, especially when dealing with limited resources and competing priorities. However, it’s crucial to prioritize initiatives that align with your business’s overall strategy and vision. Consider factors such as ROI, impact on customers and employees, and ease of implementation when prioritizing your initiatives.

Develop a Roadmap

Once you’ve identified your digital transformation initiatives and prioritized them, the next step is to develop a roadmap. A roadmap is a high-level plan that outlines how you will achieve your digital transformation objectives over a specified period, usually three to five years.

Your roadmap should include specific milestones, timelines, and budgets for each initiative. It should also consider potential roadblocks, such as regulatory hurdles or resistance to change, and strategies to mitigate those risks. Developing a roadmap ensures that everyone involved in the digital transformation process understands the goals, timelines, and responsibilities.

Implement and Monitor Your Digital Transformation Strategy

The final step in developing a digital transformation strategy that works for your business is to implement and monitor the strategy. Implementation involves deploying the technology solutions, processes, and systems identified in your roadmap.

Monitoring involves tracking the progress of your digital transformation initiatives against the established milestones and evaluating the impact on your business objectives. It’s important to continuously monitor and adjust your strategy as needed to ensure it remains aligned with your business’s goals and objectives.

To effectively monitor your digital transformation strategy, you should establish performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) for each initiative. These metrics and KPIs should be aligned with your business objectives and provide insight into the effectiveness of your digital transformation efforts.

In conclusion, developing a digital transformation strategy that works for your business is crucial to stay competitive and thriving in the digital age. By identifying your business objectives, assessing your current technology and infrastructure, understanding your customers, choosing the right technology, developing a change management plan, and implementing and monitoring your strategy, you can achieve digital transformation success. Remember, digital transformation is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process that requires continuous improvement to adapt to the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Top Salesforce integration strategies to improve your business processes

In today’s digital age, businesses are faced with the challenge of keeping up with rapidly changing technology and consumer expectations. As a result, companies are constantly seeking ways to innovate and transform their operations to remain competitive in the market. One way to achieve this is through digital transformation, which involves the integration of digital technologies into all aspects of a business, from customer service to supply chain management.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the top Salesforce integration strategies that can help you improve your business processes. By following these strategies, you can ensure that your Salesforce integration efforts are aligned with your business objectives and provide a seamless customer experience. So, let’s dive in and discover how integrating Salesforce can take your business processes to the next level.

Identify Your Integration Needs

Before you start integrating Salesforce with other systems, you need to identify your integration needs. This involves understanding which systems and tools your business uses, which data needs to be shared between systems, and which business processes will be improved by integration.

Some common integration scenarios include integrating Salesforce with marketing automation tools, ERP/accounting software, and customer service tools. By identifying your integration needs, you can develop a roadmap for integrating Salesforce with other systems and prioritize your integration initiatives.

Use Salesforce APIs

Salesforce provides a robust set of APIs that make it easy to integrate with other systems and applications. The Salesforce APIs allow developers to access and manipulate Salesforce data from external systems and build custom integrations that meet their specific business needs.

Using Salesforce APIs, you can integrate Salesforce with other systems in real-time, automate data transfer between systems, and improve the accuracy of your data. Additionally, Salesforce APIs provide secure access to your data, ensuring that your sensitive customer information is protected.

Leverage Integration Platforms

Integration platforms are powerful tools that can help you integrate Salesforce with other systems quickly and easily. Integration platforms like Zapier, Jitterbit, and Dell Boomi provide pre-built connectors and workflows that make it easy to integrate Salesforce with popular business tools like Slack, MailChimp, and QuickBooks.

Using an integration platform can save your business time and resources by simplifying the integration process and reducing the need for custom development. Additionally, integration platforms provide a unified view of your data, making it easier to identify trends and make informed business decisions.

Implement Single Sign-On (SSO)

Implementing single sign-on (SSO) can help improve the security of your Salesforce integration and simplify the user experience for your employees. SSO allows users to access multiple systems using a single set of login credentials, reducing the need for multiple usernames and passwords.

Implementing SSO with Salesforce can improve the security of your integration by ensuring that users are authenticated and authorized before accessing your Salesforce data. Additionally, SSO can improve the user experience by simplifying the login process and reducing the need for password resets.

Use Data Integration Tools

Data integration tools like MuleSoft and Informatica can help you integrate Salesforce with other systems while ensuring that your data is accurate and up-to-date. These tools provide a range of features, including data mapping, data cleansing, and data synchronization, that can help you improve the quality of your data and simplify your integration process.

Using data integration tools can save your business time and resources by automating data transfer between systems and reducing the need for manual data entry. Additionally, data integration tools provide a unified view of your data, making it easier to identify trends and make informed business decisions.

Establish Integration Governance

To ensure the success of your Salesforce integration, it’s essential to establish integration governance. Integration governance involves defining policies and procedures for managing your integration initiatives and ensuring that your integration efforts align with your business objectives.

Establishing integration governance can help you mitigate integration risks, ensure the security of your data, and ensure that your integration initiatives are aligned with your business strategy. Additionally, integration governance can help you measure the effectiveness of your integration initiatives and identify areas for improvement.

In conclusion, integrating Salesforce with your other business processes can greatly improve efficiency, streamline operations, and provide a more comprehensive view of your customer interactions. There are several integration strategies that you can utilize to achieve these benefits, including API integration, middleware solutions, and native Salesforce integrations.

At Vertex, we specialize in helping businesses optimize their Salesforce integrations and improve their overall business processes. Our team of experts can work with you to identify your specific needs and goals and develop customized integration solutions tailored to your unique requirements.

By leveraging Vertex’s expertise in Salesforce integration, you can benefit from improved efficiency, better visibility into your customer interactions, and a more comprehensive understanding of your business operations. Whether you’re looking to integrate your Salesforce with your marketing automation platform, financial systems, or other business applications, Vertex has the tools and expertise to help you succeed.

Don’t let siloed data and inefficient processes hold your business back. Contact Vertex today to learn more about how our Salesforce integration solutions can help you achieve greater efficiency, improve visibility, and drive growth.

Salesforce vs Other CRMs: Why Choose Salesforce?

When it comes to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, there are many options available in the market.

However, for the last twelve consecutive years, Salesforce stands out as the leading ‘CRM’ solution for businesses of all sizes.

In this blog post, we will explore just some of the reasons why Salesforce is the superior choice compared to other CRMs available in the market.

1. Cloud-Based, Real-Time Platform:

Salesforce is a Real-Time, cloud-based platform and not just a CRM, which means that it is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

This makes it easy for businesses to collaborate and work together, no matter where they are located.

Additionally, because Salesforce is hosted on the cloud, businesses do not have to worry about investing in expensive server hardware or database software. This makes Salesforce a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes.

2. Configurable Platform:

One of the key advantages of Salesforce over other CRMs is its highly configurable – and customizable — platform.

With Salesforce, you can tailor your CRM to meet your specific needs, requirements, and shared data integrations.

This level of customization ensures that you have a CRM that is perfectly suited to your unique needs and business processes, and, as processes change over time, Salesforce can be updated and optimized as well.

In addition to these customization options, Salesforce also offers a range of pre-built applications and tools that you can use to enhance your CRM.

These applications and tools are designed to be easy to install and use, and they can help you automate key processes, streamline workflows, and improve overall efficiency.

3. Configurable Platform:

Another key advantage of Salesforce is its comprehensive set of features. Salesforce offers a wide range of features and tools that cover all aspects of your business, from sales and marketing to customer service and support.

Some of the key features that set Salesforce apart from other CRMs include:

  • Lead and opportunity management: With Salesforce, you can easily track and manage leads and opportunities throughout the sales cycle. This ensures that your sales team is always up-to-date and that they are focusing on the right opportunities at the right time.
  • Sales Forecasting: Salesforce offers a range of forecasting tools that can help you predict future sales trends and quota attainment and make more accurate revenue projections.
  • Analytics: With Salesforce’s powerful analytics tools, you can gain deep insights into your business performance, identify trends and patterns, and make data-driven decisions.
  • Marketing Automation: Salesforce offers a range of marketing automation tools that can help you streamline your marketing processes, create personalized campaigns, and improve overall ROI.
  • Customer Service Management: Salesforce’s customer service management tools allow you to track customer issues and requests, manage cases, and provide timely and effective support to your customers, leading to higher CSAT scores.
  • AppExchange: As the industry’s leading sales and service automation software application, Salesforce integration and support are the primary objectives of most developers. By visiting the Salesforce AppExchange (, you can typically find multiple solutions for consideration – some even offered at no cost.

These features, along with many others, make Salesforce a comprehensive and powerful CRM platform that can help you manage all aspects of your business from a single platform.

4. Device Independent:

While each Salesforce user requires a suitable license, that same single license allows that user to access the Salesforce cloud from desktop, laptop, phone, or tablet simultaneously!

5. Scalable Solution:

As a business grows, its needs change. With Salesforce, businesses can easily scale their operations up or down to meet their changing needs. This makes Salesforce a great solution for businesses of all sizes, from start-ups to large enterprises.

In conclusion, Salesforce stands out among other CRM systems for its customizable platform, comprehensive features, cloud-based architecture, and scalability.

It offers a wide range of tools and functionalities that can help businesses of all sizes improve their sales processes, enhance customer engagement, and drive growth.

However, choosing the right CRM system for your business requires careful consideration of your unique needs and goals. That’s where Vertex comes in.

We have extensive experience in helping businesses identify their requirements and select the right CRM system to meet their needs.

Our team of experts can work with you to assess your business needs, evaluate the available CRM systems, and provide you with a customized solution that fits your specific requirements. We can also provide ongoing support and training to ensure that you get the most out of your CRM system.

So, if you’re considering Salesforce or any other CRM system, let Vertex help you make an informed decision. Contact us today to learn more about how our CRM solutions can help you improve your sales processes, enhance customer engagement, and drive growth.

Vertex Computer Systems Employee Satish Kulala Receives Azure Solutions Architect Badge

Satish Kumar Kulala

Congratulations to Vertex Computer Systems employee Satish Kumar Kulala, who recently passed the AZ-304 Microsoft Exam to receive his certification in Microsoft Azure Architect Design. Combined with another Azure Certification, Satish – who recently celebrated his 12 year anniversary with Vertex – can now claim an Azure Solutions Architect Badge. 

On the news of the certification, Program Manager Manish Bharti said, “Congratulation Satish. It’s a big achievement. So pleased to see you accomplishing great things!” 

While we are pleased to have this skillset as part of our company’s abilities, we are more pleased to be able to encourage employees like Satish as they grow in their career.  


Vertex Computer Systems Celebrates International Women’s Day

On March 8, 2022, Vertex Computer Systems took time out of the workday to celebrate International Women’s Day and all the contributions that our female team members make to the success of the company.

The day is especially meaningful as Vertex is a woman-owned company.

Sharda IyerCompany founder Sharda Iyer said, “As an engineer, a tech professional, and an entrepreneur, it gives me great pleasure to see women choosing STEM careers. I recall back when I was in college pursuing degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, I used to be one or two women in my classes! Thankfully that trend has changed, and more women are breaking the glass ceiling every day.

“I have seen many women employees build successful careers at Vertex, and I am honored to work with the exceptional women of Vertex,” she added. “Happy International Women’s Day to all the women Vertexians!”

Several of our female engineers and employees praised Vertex as being especially supportive of women in the workplace.

“The work environment at Vertex is quite supportive,” said Prasanna Rama, developer in the Hyderabad office. “Being a developer is nothing but learning a new skill and learning how to deal with failures, tackling new challenges and overcoming fear. It gives me a sense of pride. A woman being an engineer is no less than any man. This has been a huge learning experience.”

“Being an engineer has taught me to solve complex problems, to understand and implement technology and to show my skills globally,” added Neelima Devata. “Vertex has helped me in my career by helping me understand and mitigate any challenges. They encourage new ideas and listen to us and our views.”

Reshmy U.S.-based Business Development Executive Reshmy Kesavadas cited the feeling of empowerment and professionalism coated with empathy making it worthy to work in a woman-owned enterprise like Vertex. “For a woman like me who could not work in the United States because of visa, having the confidence to get back into the corporate world took some real guts because of (a) work gap of 15 years,” she said. “The consideration of Vertex to employ me shows how the company really cares about individuals and gives them a chance to learn, establish and grow.

“The constant assurance that ‘ Reshmy, you can do it’ and ‘you have it in you, hang in there’ are some of the phrases that my colleagues and management team showered on me was the real boost and, helped me get back on track when I was off track and low in confidence,” she added. “And here I am today, feeling like a celebrity and a champion! This is empowerment!”

Prashanthi Geedula praised Vertex’s flexible working options. “They provide me with much-needed balance as I can navigate my multiple roles, both in the workplace and at home.” She also appreciated the opportunities to work on challenging assignments with cutting-edge technologies. “(The field of ) engineering or development is all about intellectuals and in today’s world, both men and women are (performing) equally in this field. I do not think of me as a “woman” in a development team. My colleagues are as friendly (and) I feel that women’s work is valued and respected as much as anyone else’s.”

“Keep up the good work, and continue to achieve and aspire to do great!” concluded Sharda Iyer.

Celebrating 2021 Employee Anniversaries

On Thursday, February 24th, the Vertex Computer Systems team across the globe gathered together to honor the hard work and dedication of their fellow employees that celebrated 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 year anniversaries in the 2021 calendar year as of December 31.

Without this team of talented, committed employees, Vertex could not provide the outstanding service that our clients have come to depend on. Our success is a product of the inspiration, innovation, and implementation of their great ideas and their willingness to stay with the company and be technology leaders.

Vertex people work on creative, industrious teams that build solutions that impact our entire planet, and our success is a product of the inspiration, innovation, and implementation of their great ideas.

While we can’t include everyone’s comments, a theme throughout was praise of Vertex being an employee-centric organization with easy access to management, flexible work hours, plenty of learning and growth opportunities, and clear communication of company goals.

Here’s celebrating all of these team members, with a special highlight on those celebrating long tenures with the company.

20 Years

Joseph Groh

Joe GrohJoe celebrated 20 years with Vertex on November 5, 2021. For most of the length of his stay with the company, Joe has been assigned to a Fortune 100 consumer packaged goods company as a Senior Programmer Analyst.

“I’ve really enjoyed working for Vertex, having seen the Cincinnati office grow from the early days to the great team it is today,” Joe told us recently. “Ownership and leadership have been fantastic, always treating me very fairly, rewarding (me) for performing well and holding me accountable when appropriate. Throughout all these years, they’ve always been supportive of training and professional needs as technology has evolved from Lotus Notes to SQL Server/Visual Studio (C#)/Power Bi.

“The Vertex team has such a diverse set of skills and it’s been reassuring knowing they are available when needed,” he added. “Even though I’m rarely in the home office, I always enjoy when we’re able to meet for the holidays/lunches and to catch up other old-timers.”

His supervisor Murali Swamy wished him the best for many more years of service: “Joe has been a great account team member for Vertex and (the client). As his length of stay at Vertex and the account exemplifies, his contribution to the customer team is quite significant and is greatly appreciated.”

15 Years

Vijay Selvaganapathy

Vijay Selvaganapathy headshotVijay is a fifteen-year veteran of the Cincinnati office, starting his career as a Programmer Analyst before moving into his current role as a Salesforce Architect.

Murali Swamy praised Vijay as a dedicated and hardworking team member who is always willing to do anything to ensure customer expectations are met or exceeded. “Vijay is a highly dependable team member that delivers high-quality service every time he gets involved,” Murali said. “Best wishes for many more years of service!”

For his part, Vijay said “I really like the working environment as well as the people who have helped me immensely in my growth. I was able to contribute my services comfortably without any undue stress/pressures resulting in my longer tenure with the company.”

Ramam Gedala

Raman GedelaRamam works in the Hyderabad office as the Manager of Accounts & Finance.

His manager Sharda Iyer spoke highly of Ramam, calling him the “keel and rudder of (Vertex’s) Finance and HR operations”.

“Our tasks are complex,” she added .”We deal with HR, Benefits, Compliance, Corporate Taxes, Banking & Finance. Your work ethic, relentless ability to understand complex matters, attention to detail, and ‘do it right the first time’ mentality take our team to new heights.”

Ramam attributed the work environment at Vertex as well as flexible management for his long stay.

Narayana Chamakura

Narayana ChamakuraAlso contributing fifteen years to the company in Accounting & Finance is Narayana Chamakura.

Narayana’s supervisor Venkit Raman praised his negotiating skills, adding that he was “A wholesome package – hardworking, conscientious, highly trustworthy.”

Echoing the comments of many of his co-workers, Narayana cited flexible office timings and liberty that the company provides to him as part of his reason for staying. “I can reach out to anyone at any point of time without any hierarchy,” he added. “I can express my views & ideas to the company.”

Manish Bharti

Manish BhartiManish, a Program Manager in the Hyderabad office reporting to Sudip Nandy, joined Vertex on June 19 2006.

“People are cordial at Vertex,” Manish said. “There is a certain empathy or compassion that seems to flow from them.”

Sudip said that Manish is “a fine individual and a great team player, super trustworthy,” adding that he earned respect and appreciation from his team, peers, and his seniors, and, that he was never shy of taking (on new) responsibilities.

10 Years

Celebrating their ten-year anniversaries in 2021 were:

  • Sankar Krishnan, Saleforce Architect
  • Hemanth Shankarappa, PLM Software Systems Analyst
  • Gopala Krishna Kanchiraju, Senior Project Manager
  • Ganeswara Rao Kandula, Senior Database Programmer
  • Murali Krishna Chinigi, Senior Software Engineer
  • Gopinath Vemulapalli, Senior System Admininstrator
  • Satish Kadaverla, Technical Lead
  • Padmini Debbarma, Program Manager
  • Imran Mohammed, Logistics

5 Years

Celebrating their five year anniversaries were:

  • Girish Sasankasekhar, Project Manager
  • Kiran Veerendra, Assistant Manager of Recruiting
  • Suresh Sankaran, Project Manager
  • Mukesh Jha, Software Engineer
  • Kumaar Burepalli, Senior Developer
  • Nageswara Konatham, Software Engineer
  • Lokanth Balaka, Database Architect
  • Praveen Maduri, Application Support Engineer

1 Year:

Those celebrating their one year anniversaries are:

  • Alasdair Donald, VBA Programmer
  • Joshua Laffoon, Test Engineer
  • Susan Moellinger, Packaging Research Specialist
  • Sri Dronavalli, Software Engineer
  • Mustaq Turegal, Senior Inside Sales Associate
  • Ranga Kummari, Software Engineer
  • Nagaraj Adarsha, Manager of SAP Testing



Improving Client Outcomes with Respectful and Clear Communication

Vertex Computer Systems team members who work at customer locations find themselves walking a tightrope between balancing external client expectations and internal team functions and responsibilities. It’s their job to build a bridge of understanding between client expectations and project deliverables. The success or failure of those efforts often determines whether Vertex is seen as a strategic partner. If they’re successful, the client receives a quality solution, and the client also begins to see Vertex as a trusted technology ally who understands their business.

When these project or implementation managers communicate client needs to the technical teams at Vertex, they are acting as the voice of the customer. When they are with customers, they represent the whole Vertex team. This is no easy task. Developing solid, trusting relationships with customers takes time, patience, and stellar communication.

Yet, situations arise when expectations lack clarity. One reason is that clients don’t always know their needs, says Mani Pattathil, a Vertex Project Manager based in northwest Arkansas. “It’s challenging because they begin with an unclear vision and then their needs keep evolving. Communicating and documenting those changes is not easy. Any software solution should provide value to the business, help generate revenue, and make life easier. Customers know they want a result, but they may not realize what it takes to get them there.” This issue isn’t unique to Vertex, he adds. “It’s an industry problem.”

If the customer is unable to articulate their needs, the Project Manager will have difficulty sharing the objectives of a project with the technical team, who may translate those uncertainties into something else completely. “I asked for an elephant and you gave me a cow,” says Pattathil with a laugh. “That’s how it can feel. Everyone needs to be communicating throughout the entire process to help keep expectations aligned.”

Communication Strategies

Communication challenges may be universal, but fortunately, there are ways to improve. Here are some suggestions from Vertex team members.

  • Understand the business challenge the solution aims to correct
  • Build customer confidence with full-team meetings and detailed documentation
  • Understand that as projects evolve, needs may change
  • Empower team members at all levels to reach out to clients
  • Be respectful and honest during all discussions

Understand the Business Challenge the Solution Aims to Correct.

If clients are unsure how to articulate their own needs, the Project Manager, the Business Analyst, and at times the entire IT team working on the solution must help them articulate the business challenge. Since some miscommunication is expected, there are things teams can do to abate minor issues before they become major concerns.

To help customers clarify goals, Thomas Anthony, a Senior Project Manager in Vertex’s Hyderabad office, says it is wise for teams to hold discovery phases where specific outcomes are considered.

We need to understand the current processes and the desired goal. These sessions help us create requirements documents.

Similarly, Solutions Architect Arnab Chaudhuri, who works from the Cincinnati office, adds it’s up to Vertex to ask questions to bridge the understanding gap. “We can standardize our requirements-gathering practice – especially on jobs for common-use cases. Then we can engage better with the customer and ask more relevant questions” he says. “We shouldn’t wait for all information to be funneled to us. We should proactively consult upon the best offerings and deliver robust solutions.” This kind of value-added effort increases Vertex’s visibility with clients and provides opportunities to cross and up-sell.

Prototyping and creating minimum viable product presentations allow Vertex teams to show an understanding of the client’s needs while outlining solution processes. “We use HTML markups, screenshots, and whatever is needed to showcase the solution,” says Surendra Bolla, a Project Manager in Hyderabad. “We need to help the customer envision the final product.” By showing viable solutions, we telegraph to our clients our understanding of their challenges.

Build Customer Confidence with Full-Team Meetings and Detailed Documentation

Once the technical team has a strong grasp of the project’s purpose, Vertex can begin demonstrating its business knowledge and technical skill. Accomplishing this requires frequent communications that reinforce the client’s good decision to do business with Vertex.

One way to help build customer confidence in Vertex is to arrange full-team meetings with clients. “It increases personal interaction and sets a good tone, so customers see the face behind the work,” says Manish Bharti, a Technical Project Manager in Vertex’s Hyderabad office who emphasizes collaboration among the entire development team, Project Manager, and the client.

“Opportunities for these types of group interactions are fewer when working with blended or offshore teams,” Bharti says, “but they’re not impossible. From the offshore perspective, I feel we can better present a unified face to the customer if we can arrange at least one early interaction.” This exposure also makes Vertex teams feel more invested in the outcome. “The team feels like they own the project.”

Client presentations are a prime opportunity to cement confidence, provided teams don’t overcommit to items or requirements on the spot that were never considered or included in the project scope, says Chaudhuri. “Everyone needs to be on the same page during presentations. If clients start asking questions, getting excited about possibilities, we don’t need to provide up-front answers. It’s OK to ask for time and then get back to them in a few days.” Conquering the job first is important.

We want to say ‘yes.’ We want to show off what we can do, but we need to do it with care.

Another way to build customer confidence is by supplying detailed documentation of the deliverables. Judy Romanchik is a Business Analyst based in Beachwood, OH. She straddles her time between the client’s office and the Vertex office. “When clients have stated they are looking for details, for example, of how we are going to migrate data, they expect to see details like our migration plan with the chronological tasks, the time needed to complete the task, our test plan on how we validated the data, along with our test results,” she says. “A PowerPoint overview isn’t enough to show how we are going to accomplish what needs to be done.” Additionally, she aims to hold internal team meetings at least weekly so she is prepared to answer questions the client may ask when she is on-site.

Supplying expected documentation also builds confidence, but this may be easier said than done at times. When customers expect deliverables, they don’t want delays. And customers expect dedicated resources to function as members of their own companies. “The client wants me to push hard against my own Vertex team to get things done,” notes Mike Due, a Project Manager based in Cincinnati assigned to a Fortune 500 Consumer Packaged Goods manufacturer. “If project deliverables are late, I’m in the middle. I am sure my offshore team might see me as demanding, as I’m wearing my ‘client hat’ in that case. But at the same time, being a member of the Vertex team, I have greater insight into resource availability or other issues that might be slowing things down and I need to find the right way of communicating this back to the customer.”

As Projects Evolve, Needs May Change

Deliverables aren’t the only ingredient in a successful customer relationship. So is excellent service that may need to push basic expectations. “Sometimes to build a good relationship, it makes sense to provide a small favor and go beyond basic expectations,” says Victor Novak, a Vertex Project Manager assigned to a client in Marlborough, Mass. “If it makes the customer happy, it’s better to do it and grow the relationship.”

Yet, when internal teams evaluate new directives with the project plan and notice work that exceeds the scope, it’s easy to question changes. If the new demands were not agreed upon earlier, where should the line be drawn? Should Vertex teams spend extra time and effort on work not specifically contracted or if the plan changes?

It depends. Extra customer attention can go a long way in staving off repercussions that may arise if things don’t go as planned on a job. Of course, common sense must prevail. No one wants scope creep. You can’t build a Cadillac on a purchase order for a Honda. But, continuing the analogy, you could upgrade the tires if it’s a sticking point – especially if there’s good reason to believe the customer needs to buy more vehicles.

Customers need to feel the service. You can provide excellent work, but if it’s not presented well, the customer may not realize the effect of our efforts.

Empower Team Members at all Levels to Reach Out to Clients

Several Vertex employees that we interviewed acknowledged that direct communication between our technical teams and clients is a good idea. Early full-team interactions can help break the ice, making it easier for one-on-one interaction between our teams and client teams when the job is underway.

“I encourage team members to pick up the phone or send emails to clients,” Novak says. “Don’t be so cautious on who to talk with. It’s healthy for our engineers to talk directly with client engineers. They’re our colleagues and are valuable sources of knowledge who can answer questions quickly.” What’s more, making those types of connections improves the communication skills of our engineers and ultimately makes them better at their job.

Bharti, in the Hyderabad office, agrees, adding that interactions between the offshore team members and clients create stronger personal and professional ties. Direct communication saves time.

Be Respectful and Honest During All Discussions

Solution Architect Moien Malick, a Vertex engineer in the Cincinnati office, finds that when engineers understand customers’ pain points, they are better equipped to address challenges. Honest and respectful communication among all parties goes a long way in producing desired results. “Everyone has a responsibility to perform at their best levels,” he says, “We all have to play our roles effectively. But, while it’s good to be frank and open, everyone needs to be mindful and respectful of a broad range of ideas, not just the ones that seem obvious.” For instance, as pros and cons are being compared at brainstorm sessions at the project’s outset, everyone should be free to share ideas. All ideas, innovations and creativity need to be entertained. But once a decision is made and everyone agrees to travel down a certain path, the team must adhere to those expectations and not bring up “what if” scenarios later when challenges arise.

“Once you sign off on the route to take, you agree to uphold the team decision and support each other through the process,” he says. “Then, it’s everyone’s job to keep the customer’s needs in focus.”

It’s about responsibility, but also about respect. Once we take ownership of a job, we all need to communicate.

An Introduction to the Azure DevOps Toolset

This is the third in a series of blog posts about DevOps. We started the series talking about the organizational mindset to achieve zero-defects code, then spent some time talking about how IT teams may need to evolve to create the right organizational culture for DevOps success.

In this post, we start to delve into DevOps toolsets, specifically Microsoft Azure DevOps Services.

It has been said that tools don’t make the mechanic, but that the right tools in the right hands can make everyday jobs far more efficient. I say that as an introduction to this article about DevOps toolsets. Tools (or one person) will not automatically transform an IT department into a DevOps shop, but a department that has adopted the culture and organization to follow DevOps practices WILL benefit from a suite of DevOps tools as they mature.

Devops Pm Tools

Just some of the benefits of a DevOps toolset include the standardization and automation of development processes, improved collaboration within and among the teams, consolidated code repositories, work-item tracking, automated testing, and release pipelines.

Read our Whitepaper: Design for Scale Using Microsoft Azure Services

Microsoft’s Azure DevOps Services is probably the most comprehensive toolset out there. While it is broad in its scope, pay-as-you-go licensing allows organizations to choose the components that they need now and to add additional components as they mature and grow.

Let’s look at a few Azure DevOps’ components:

Azure Boards

As releases get smaller and increase in frequency, it gets harder to collect and track work items. Azure Boards combine flexible work item tracking with drag-and-drop sprint planning. Your team will be more productive with Boards, Backlogs, and Sprints all kept together. What’s better, Azure Boards can be connected to your GitHub repository to link comments and PRs to work items.

Kanban, Scrum, Agile, Lean? Azure Boards works with any number of project management methods and is easily adapted to the needs of your team.

Azure Pipelines

Azure Pipelines automates builds and deployments, regardless of language or platform. What’s more, you can run parallel pipelines for Linux, macOS, and Windows. As you’d expect, Pipelines completely integrate with your Git repositories.

You can also ensure continuous delivery (CD) of your product to the cloud environment of your choice. Azure, of course, along with Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform.

Microsoft uses Pipelines themselves at the .NET Foundation. Before Pipelines, their engineering team was dealing with dozens of different git repositories, a broad range of tools, and several different continuous integration (CI) systems, creating confusion and inhibiting productivity. Just one of their components runs more than 600,000 automated tests for each pull request. With more than 50 pull requests per week, each with multiple iterations, the number of tests was in the billions.

The .NET Engineering Services team brought in AzureDevOps and Pipelines to bring all repos under a common directory structure, set of commands, and build-and-test logic. The team eliminated further barriers to productivity by moving all existing workflows from the different CI systems into a single system.

Azure Repositories

With support for everything from a ‘hobby’ project to the largest codebase in the world, Azure Repositories offers unlimited & private Git hosting as well as support for Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC).  What’s more, Azure Repositories allows you to set up continuous integration & continuous delivery (CI/CD) to automatically trigger builds, tests, and deployments with every completed pull request whether using Azure Pipelines or your own tools.

Azure Repositories also protect your codebase and your quality metrics with completely customizable branch policies. You can keep code quality high by requiring code reviewer signoff, successful builds, and passing tests before pull requests can be merged.

An added bonus is that Azure Repositories features a code-aware semantic search tool that understands classes and variables, making it easier to find what you’re looking for.

Azure Test Plans

There are manual test plans and automated test tools, but Azure Test Plans bring them together.

Manual test plans can be created, executed, and tracked with actionable defects and end-to-end traceability. Assess quality throughout the development lifecycle by testing your desktop or web applications.

Exploratory test sessions allow the design and execution of tests simultaneously to maximize quality in modern software development processes.

As noted above, automated testing is a major component of Azure Pipelines.

Azure Artifacts

When you’re ready to release, Azure Artifacts adds fully integrated package management to your CI/CD pipelines with a single click. Create and share Maven, npm, NuGet, and Python package feeds from public and private sources with teams of any size.

Because the packages are pre-built, they are easily shared & managed, and can easily be added to Azure Pipelines for testing and release.

Integration Reduces Risk

Because Azure DevOps is flexible enough to integrate with your existing tools and processes while offering all of the tools you need for DevOps success, it ultimately reduces the risk of migration to DevOps. Integration with Microsoft Power BI allows managers to track metrics across the development organization to ensure that their migration to DevOps is on track and to quickly identify and correct where there might be weaknesses.

Click here to learn more about the metrics that you should be tracking to measure the succes of your DevOps organization.

Better Operations Equals Better Business

While DevOps certainly offers many benefits to IT teams, the gains go well outside of that silo.

Faster development cycles allow businesses to push out new features faster, allowing them to be more agile in responding to their competition and to new requests from customers.  Furthermore, a tightly integrated CI/CD platform means less downtime – and less downtime equals more revenue!

Partner With a Certified Azure DevOps Leader

Vertex has thirteen engineers certified at Microsoft’s highest level in Azure DevOps. Look to the DevOps experts at Vertex to guide your way to the efficiencies of DevOps and to help you choose the right tools to create repeatable, clean releases. We Got IT.

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